
What will we humans be doing in the future? – part 1

In past blogs I’ve looked at the development of robots and machines, even speculating on what might constitute being human, if we keep replacing bits of ourselves with machines.  One thing is clear to me, […]

Space Ships and Faster than Light Travel

This week its back to science fiction and what is one of the icons of the genre, the means by which people travel from one world to another, the space ship.  The fact that Einstein […]

I’ve finally e-published! – 13 things I’ve learnt

Yes I’ve finally done it.  Those are my books (link for more information) and they are available through Amazon on Kindle.  It’s been quite a journey.  I can’t believe it is five years since I walked out […]

5 Reasons why writers should blog.

A bit of a detour this week from issues raised by science fiction.  I’ve been blogging now for six months and I admit that , having read the advice from other writers’ blogs, it started as […]

Men and machines – and what does it mean to be human?

A couple of months ago I produced two blogs discussing robots and androids; why would we want them to look like us and what would human like androids get out of life.  These seemed to generate quite […]