Science fiction and being human

In my last blog I discussed the science of science fiction and how as writers we deal with it or don’t deal with it.  Bottom line?  I know how to use my HD TV, my […]

Why I write science fiction

In my last blog I questioned if blogging was wasting my time.  I concluded it was, but it wasn’t all the time if that makes sense.  I don’t want to stop blogging, I enjoy it.  […]

We are someone’s ancient history

I’ve been reading quite a bit of historical fiction recently, which as I blogged on some time ago, I think is a good source of inspiration for a science fiction writer in that it describes […]

Writers – just get out there.

I’ve blogged before about the benefits to writers of leaving the car behind and walking through the countryside.  It gives time for contemplation and thinking, both something of a luxury in the modern world.  I would […]

Holiday inspiration – part 2)

The second week of the holiday and therefore the second of the holiday inspiration blogs.  We are now in the Loire near Saumur, a lovely part of the world and well worth exploring.  We have […]