Stories and More

Below are some short stories (just follow the title links).  Over time I will add morLibrariane.  I hope you enjoy them.  I may also add more of my poetry, if I feel brave enough.

The Librarian – August 2014

Inspired by the writers group.  Never underestimate the power of books

The Silver Dream Machine – 1 November 2013Flashfriday old-car-181158_1920

This is a piece adapted from a flash fiction entry for Flash!Friday.  When I re-read it, it sounded more like a piece of free verse.  My writing group agreed.

The Weather Vane 20th August 2012weather vane_edited-1

Smart city folks don’t have all the answers.

The Pickpocket – 8th July 2013

Another short story (2,000) words inspired by the writers group.


Dancing with the Devil – 12th June 2013Fed Astaire

Again one inspired by the writers group word of the week which was ‘dancing’.  It was fun to write and I hope it at least makes you smile. You can dance like Fred Astaire. But there’s a price to be paid, of course.



Protocol 29A – 29th May 2013ice and snow

A series of short stories in ‘Asimov’ magazine looked at the relationship between man and robot.  This inspired me to write ‘Protocol 29A’ involving a ‘Semi Intelligent Machine Operated Nexus’ (SIMON)


Watching – 29th May 2013

As with a number of my short stories this was inspired by the weekly word at the writing group I attend (although the original ‘word’ was waves).  This really is a short story at 530 words, but I think it’s complete

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