Science fiction author + Holiday = Inspiration

French ChateauThe joy of a holiday to me is that I’m away from all those little chores that have to be done and in a world of things I want to do, which I have to admit on holiday is not a lot.  Yes there are places I want to see, otherwise why travel somewhere new?  One or two are must see’s, the rest, well it’s all new and interesting to me.

There’s also that other thing that holidays give you and that’s time.  In my case more time to read.  The pleasure of sitting in the middle of the afternoon or evening knowing that there’s nothing else I want to do or to feel guilty over because I’m not doing.  There’s no TV to goggle at, programs that I must watch.   Just spending hours reading (I’m also not writing, at least in the sense of not writing or revising my books) is somehow refreshing for a writer, it’s inspiring and thought provoking.  I can almost hear the imagination and ideas cogs whirring in my head. So far I have finished ‘Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World’ by Murakami (a present from my son) and Luna: New Moon, by Ian McDonald

I can recommend both.  The first because as science fiction goes it’s that bit different and the second because I think it is a well written and interesting view on that scifi classic of human colonisation of the moon.  I will certainly be reading the next in the series.  

So I am now nearly finished my third book (and haven’t been away that long).  However, this is a book I have been saving for just such a time.  It is a book I started with my usual anticipation and will finish with sadness and regret.  It being the last ever new Terry Pratchett (the late great) I will read for the first time.  Hey, ho and all that, and I know all good things must come to an end, but I will miss those annual joyful excursions into Disc World.  R.I.P. the wonderful Mr Pratchett.

roman villa1However, back to that Holiday inspiration.  It seems much of my sight-seeing involves looking into the past, Medieval towns, Roman villas and the like.  I can’t help wonder what the people must have been like.  Not so very different to us I guess.  But for so many, fighting and death seemed to have been a way of life.  But then that could be said for just a generation or two ago let alone tens or hundreds of generations.  Hard for me to imagine, however, you only have to look at the news to realise that it is still like that for so many.  So, as I look forward as a science fiction writer, imagining the same for future generations, depressingly, would seem to be a fair prediction.  Then again, as a writer, I’m free to imagine a very different world or worlds, if I wish.  After all that’s the beauty of science fiction, anything is possible. 

As always comments and ideas are welcome.

Ian Martyn


Author: Ian Martyn

Science Fiction Writer