How high could you jump on the moon?

Ever wondered how high you could really jump on the moon? I have the answer.

Robots, androids and intelligent machines – do we want them to look human?

Science fiction has always featured Robots – but do we want really want intelligent machines to look like us?

‘Gor blimey gov it’s a fair cop and no mistake’ – How do we deal with dialect/accents in written fiction?

How do we deal with accents / dialects in modern writing?

Dictionary of body language? – lessons from my proof reader

I learnt long ago that you can’t proof read your own work.  Well, you can, but you’ll miss things that to someone else are obvious.  When you read your own work the brain sees what […]

Are we humans still evolving?

We assume not but do certain groups pick partners that are similar? Could we be selectively breeding ourselves?