The prompt for this post was a film I watched recently, Salmon fishing is the Yemen. I knew it had good crits and it’d been on my “to see” list for a long time. From […]
Tag: machines
Artificial Intelligence – should we be worried?
There’s a lot in the media at the moment concerning Artificial Intelligence, some hailing it as the next industrial revolution, others as Armageddon waiting to happen. I know science fiction over the years has been […]
Science fiction – how it works
I have recently returned from a ski holiday. We’d just boarded the plane taxied out when they announced the need to have something checked. We taxied back and then were told there would be a […]
Science round-up inspiration 14
As anyone who has read my science round-ups in the past will know I peruse a number of sites on a regular basis. These are fascinating in their own right, however, as a scifi writer […]
Science round-up inspiration – 12
Here is my latest my round-up from the world of science. As always I attach no measure of relative importance to what I include. They are simply items that have caught my eye as they […]