When I started with what I’d learnt in over two years of blogging, I hadn’t intended to have a series of three more ‘how to’ blogs. However, from some of the comments these have been […]
Tag: new blogger
An author blog – what it can and can’t do for you, part 1.
I’ve been blogging now for close to two years. I publish my author blog every week on a Wednesday without fail (he says, fingers crossed) and have published over 100 posts. Even when I go on […]
5 Reasons why writers should blog.
A bit of a detour this week from issues raised by science fiction. I’ve been blogging now for six months and I admit that , having read the advice from other writers’ blogs, it started as […]
Confessions of a new blogger – what I’ve learnt so far (or not)
I’ve been blogging for about four months. This is what I have learnt (or not) about the art of blogging.