The future is – Rubbish?

As a science fiction writer I can’t help but wonder where human society is heading, including the exciting, the good and the not so good.  Every year brings wondrous advances in science and technology of all kinds.  […]

My monthly science highlights – 3)

How the weeks fly. It’s the end of the month again and time for my own personal eclectic mix of picks in the world of science that have come to my attention in the last […]

Future housing – the only way is up?

First apologies for dragging up memories of the 1988 song by Yazz (and yes I did have to look it up).  As a purveyor of science fiction I am naturally interested in what the future […]

My monthly science highlights – 2)

Yes, this is the second of my monthly science round-up blogs.  As I said last time they’re not in any order.  Nor are they necessarily of mind boggling importance, they are just things that have […]

VW, global corporations – and the future

I write science fiction and I’m interested in the future, how it and we the human race, will turn out.  I just regret I won’t around to see most of whatever will take place.  I […]