I can’t believe I have now been producing these monthly blog round ups of what’s caught my eye in science for 10 months. From the feedback they seem to be appreciated. So here we go […]
Tag: extended life
My monthly science round-up – 7)
So here we go with the seventh of my monthly science round-ups. As I have said before these are not in any order of importance, nor are the necessarily ‘important’ just because I have included […]
My monthly science highlights – 2)
Yes, this is the second of my monthly science round-up blogs. As I said last time they’re not in any order. Nor are they necessarily of mind boggling importance, they are just things that have […]
Men and machines – and what does it mean to be human?
A couple of months ago I produced two blogs discussing robots and androids; why would we want them to look like us and what would human like androids get out of life. These seemed to generate quite […]
Life, how long can we live (part3) – How will that affect society?
If we can live for hundreds of years will ‘young’ and ‘old will lose their meaning? How will that affect society?