2015 – Inspiration from one writer’s year

I will start by saying it is impossible to look back on this year without being reminded of the many terrible events that have taken place.  And in many ways the world seems to have […]

The future is – Rubbish?

As a science fiction writer I can’t help but wonder where human society is heading, including the exciting, the good and the not so good.  Every year brings wondrous advances in science and technology of all kinds.  […]

My monthly science highlights – 1)

  As a science fiction writer I regularly scan twitter and some of the news sites for the latest developments and discoveries in science.  You never know what might inspire, or weave itself into a […]

What will future generations make of us – part 2)

What will future generations make of us – part 2). Last week’s blog I admit got a bit serious.  But, that’s alright, and whether you agree or disagree with my position on what future generations […]

What will future generations make of us?

As a science fiction writer I am of course imagining what life will be like in the future, the technology and the worlds we humans will inhabit.  However, I’m also intrigued by what our societies […]