Is technology freeing us or wasting our time?

I am old enough to remember when everyone didn’t have a computer.  When keeping touch meant talking on the phone, or writing a letter, or actually meeting people (yes I know!).  Also entertainment was three […]

Orion – we’re off again!

A few blogs ago I enthused about Rosetta and how it seemed to have reignited interest in space exploration.   And anyone who’s read my past blogs (e.g. ‘The human race needs to leave earth’) will […]

Stephen Hawking and artificial intelligence

As I writer of science fiction Stephen Hawking’s pronouncment on this subject  was bound to grab my attention.  One of the most eminent scientists of our generation talking doom and gloom and the possible end of […]

Where are we going people?

A number things have happened recently that make wonder/worry? about this.  And I mean where are we going as a society?  Many of my blogs have looked at what we are doing with our world, […]

Do we have a future to look forward to?

As a science fiction writer it is hard to avoid this subject.  And so, in my book ‘Project Noah’ I deal with a ‘doomsday’ scenario for the world, with a little hope thrown in.  However, […]