A World Government – a sci-fi myth?

Once science fiction gets into the realms of humans living on several or many worlds we have the formation of those ‘World Governments’ or if we are imagining large numbers of settled worlds we imagine […]

Intelligent machines, what will they do with us?

I’ve written a number of blogs on robots, androids and intelligent computers and where it might be heading.  We seem to see creating artificial intelligence as an inevitable goal.  I just wonder what we will […]

The Trouble with Aliens

In a critique of my first book ‘Ancestral Dreams’ I was told my aliens were not alien enough.  The premise is that these creatures visited earth many thousands of years ago and passed into legend.  […]

The human race needs to leave earth

What sparked this week’s blog was a program I watched recently.  It emerged that if we keep cutting down the Amazon rainforest at the current rate it will be all gone in two hundred years.   […]

Don’t condemn science fiction to a ‘genre’ box

Why is science fiction condemned to that somewhat shabby heading of ‘genre fiction’? As if anything that falls within ‘genre’ is of lesser value? That somehow it’s not serious fiction (not that I’m sure what […]