My top 5 science fiction inventions

When considering my top five science fiction inventions I have tried to leave out the obvious that form the backbone of science fiction.  Those are of course space travel and in particular faster than light […]

Robots, androids and intelligent machines – what next?

I wrote a blog with this same title back in September 2012, with the added caveat, ‘do we want them to look human’ rather than, ‘what next?’.  It seems that this is a subject that […]

What happens when robots and machines are smarter than us?

I’ve written a number of blogs that look at the issues around our (that is human) relationship with ever smarter machine intelligences and it continues to be a subject that fascinates me.  I think it […]

What makes a good Fantasy read (or not) – 3)

In the first two blogs of this series I looked at what can stop me reading some sci-fi books.  So now as, I guess with most sci-fi fans, I also read Fantasy its only fair to turn my […]

What makes a good science fiction read (or not) – 2)

Last week I outlined my frustration with a book that I enjoyed reading on one level, but annoyed me on another, because the basic logic behind the story didn’t stand up.   This started me thinking […]